WILMERDOCTORS last logged in on February 7, 2016 2:35 am
WILMER CHEMICAL LABORATORY COMPANY LTD Cairo Egypt Office And India & Europe We supply the latest automatic ssd, universal chemicals, activating powders and specialize in cleaning all types of defaced notes, black notes, anti-breeze bank notes, stamped coated notes, Prepared De-icing Fluids,Vectrol paste, Tebi-Manetic solution,marked or stained currency. We melt and re-activate frozen chemicals and offer 100% cleaningA few words about me..
WILMER CHEMICAL LABORATORY COMPANY LTD Cairo Egypt Office And India & Europe We supply the latest automatic ssd, universal chemicals, activating powders and specialize in cleaning all types of defaced notes, black notes, anti-breeze bank notes, stamped coated notes, Prepared De-icing Fluids,Vectrol paste, Tebi-Manetic solution,marked or stained currency. We melt and re-activate frozen chemicals and offer 100% cleaning