OUTDOOR DYNAMICS SDN BHD outdoor ventures quality outdoor gear outdoor, camping and recreation equipment headlamps, knives, tents, accessories, water filters, backpacks, mosquito nets, waterproofing bags, GPS, stoves, hammocks
Full Description
OUTDOOR DYNAMICS SDN BHD Set up by four outdoor industry professionals with 30 years of combined experience, Outdoor Dynamics is currently managed by one of its directors who are equally as passionate about the business as their outdoor ventures. Outdoor Dynamics is Malaysia’s latest adventure sports set up, specializing in quality outdoor gear. We are dedicated to providing South East Asia with some of the best gear the world has to offer. Discover your true potential. Explore further, climb higher and dive deeper with Outdoor Dynamics. Outdoor Dynamics Sdn Bhd is an online retailer and distributor for outdoor, camping and recreation equipment. Accessible anytime and from anywhere. We deliver to any address within Malaysia for FREE! We have a wide selection of headlamps, knives, tents, accessories, water filters, backpacks, mosquito nets, waterproofing bags, GPS, stoves, hammocks and so much more. New products are regularly added, so be sure to check regularly. Join our mailing list for our monthly updates on latest products and events. Our range of equipment caters for all levels of outdoor people, from beginners to experts, from hikers to kayakers. We are also distributors for Lowe Alpine, Mont, Aloksak, Mora, Lifestraw and Permanet brand of equipment, and we welcome all enquiries. Drop by our forum to discuss gear, environmental issues as well as your adventures! Tel / Fax 04-656 3345 E-mail info@outdoordynamics.com.my Skype Ahmad Nadir Y! Messenger outdoordynamics Website www.outdoordynamics.com.my Address 97-G-18 , The Pallazia, Jalan Bukit Gambir, 11700 Gelugor, Penang, Malaysia. GPS N05 21.551′, E100 17.660′ Opening Hours Monday – Friday: 11am – 8pm (Friday closed from 12.30 – 2.30pm) Saturday: 11am – 5pm Sunday: Closed