Promosi harga larome slimming di lanjutkan hingga 31 disember

Promosi harga larome slimming di lanjutkan hingga 31 disember

Waaa.. nak share!!.. nak share!!!.. nak share berita gumbiraaa… hihihi.. Bos kite kat HQ dah umumkan..bahawasanyaaa.. #promosihargaLarome Slimming Serum di panjangkannn.. di lanjutkann sehingga 31/12/2014.. waaaa.. sayang bos ketat-ketat… oleh ituuu.. jangan pulak pakai baju sendat-sendattt hokey!!!… waaa.. buang lemakkk yukkkk… semangat!!! hihihihi

Advert ID #58335

Full Description

Jadi, yang merancang nak nikah cuti sekolah nanti, nak tunang cuti sekolah nanti… masih sempat lagi!!. promosi kuasa ampattt!!!

1 Botol RM 150
4 Botol RM350 masihhhh kekalll

Mai order!! Stock terhad yerrrrr..sebab produk ni lampau HOT!!!
Call / Sms 012-6532886
Nak wechat pun bolehhh… id : hidyah
#respon paling pantas.. whatssap jerrrr …

ehh…. start November akhak kasi free gift yerrr… ala.. hadiah kecil untuk anda yang berjiwa besar nak kuruss… hihihi.. dannnn post masih percuma… waaaaaa hebat!!!!


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Kedai / shop location (lokasi kedai) listed as per on the address / map to go there (alamat / peta) here offers variety of product to sell item for sale (barang untuk dijual) and services offered by the company (syarikat jual barang dan perkhidmatan) to the customers. Shop office branch selling cheap stuff (barang murah in rm) and best deal services in malaysia. Some of ads (iklan) Here shows the Business product dealer outlet with promotion best price & rate.(Cawangan pejabat / Kedai barangan murah di malaysia. Produk perniagaan beserta harga promosi pembekal barang terbaik) The opening hours or business hours (waktu operasi buka) from am to pm stated on the shop. Normal office hour will be from 8am-5pm. Any time extention depends on the store or shop. You can contact the shop owners for more info to buy or get the services. This is just a listing to promote the info. Any thing please email us at admin at