What is the best fan and fan price? kipas siling
What is the best fan and fan price? kipas siling
Full Description
For those who searching for a new ceiling fan / kipas siling, what is the best and which one is good for you? The valu for money. The cheap one or the expensive one? Cheapest fan would be around rm70 with reno brand while more expensive one is like national, kdk, etc.. Some of us prefer standing fan / kipas berdiri but the air blows not even and not as good as ceiling fan.
If you buy cheap fan like reno, you must be careful not to hit the fan blade because the blade is not strong and can cause blade bend or dent. The wind also not so strong compare to more expensive one. Get a fan at least rm100 and above and look for the fan blade material and strength.
Your opinion om choosing a fan please? Pendapat membeli kipas terbaik di rumah?
What is the best fan and fan price? kipas siling,
brand Ceiling Fan Fan Fans harga kipas kipas siling Malaysia standing fan